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Skip, Skip, Skip to My Lou! But What Is a Generation Skipping Trust?

Skip, Skip, Skip to My Lou! But What Is a Generation Skipping Trust?

A Generation Skipping Trust is an irrevocable trust utilized to transfer significant wealth from the grantors (trust creators) to their grandchildren (or anyone at least 37.5 years younger). Doing so skips their own children, known as the “skip generation”, by passing the wealth directly to the grandchildren.

Do I Really Need a Trust to Avoid Probate?

Do I Really Need a Trust to Avoid Probate?

If you have a 401(k), an IRA or a life insurance policy, you’re likely familiar with a beneficiary designation form and how it works. You might be wondering then why you’d even bother establishing a trust if your taxable accounts and home can be covered by a TOD designation and your retirement accounts can be covered by a beneficiary designation form.